Click here for our 2025 Lent Devotional!
We are a group of sinners who have experienced and been changed by God’s grace. We believe Jesus is not only our example, but he is our object of worship — he is our Lord and our God (Jn. 20:28). We believe with the Apostle Paul that the Gospel is the power of God for salvation (Rom. 1:16). As such, the purpose in all our gatherings is to remind each other of the Gospel and to encourage one another towards love and good deeds (Heb. 10:24).
We worship and fellowship together, encouraging one another through the proclamation of God’s saving work in our lives. Whether Christian or not, we invite you to join us as we experience life in Christ together. If you do not know Jesus, we would love for you to come to know him for yourself, starting with the Gospel message that we unashamedly believe and proclaim.
For any questions or inquiries, e-mail here.
We believe cell groups are an important way to grow together as a people of God (Body of Christ). Our groups consist of individuals and families who strive to make it a place to share, reflect on the Bible, and pray.
Our English cells usually take place after Sunday Service, 11:15am–12:30pm at Peoples Christian Academy (PCA). Any congregant currently interested in joining an English cell are welcome:
If you are interested, sign up here.
In addition to English Cell above, our English congregation also have Men's Cell that meets on the first non-long-weekend Saturday of each month 9:30–11:30am. All men in university and up are welcome to join as we meet for fellowship, support, and prayer.
Contact us for more info.
Two programs run during this time for junior highs (gr 6–8) and high school (gr 9–12) students.
Pre-program sports occur most weeks from 6:30–7:30pm.
Our youths have regular weekly fellowship on Friday evenings from 7:30–9pm at PCA with occasional outings. Our programs range from craft activities, sports activities, and outings to learning how to live for Jesus: