Summer Camp 2024

2024 Camp highlights


Thanks Lord Jesus for a wonderful summer camp 2024.

We are so thankful for all the children, youth and parents, volunteers and church leaders to make this a blessing to the community.

We are also grateful for CSJ funding that is sponsored and supported by MP Paul Chiang for Markham Unionville riding.

Let's enjoy this video for our 3 weeks' camp recap!

See you all again in 2025!

Below are our children's camp 2024 songs playlist where your children can sing along with us!

Youth Team Application

Thanks to all applicants our 2024 hiring has been closed and our team is FULL. Our application for 2025 summer camp will open on late Jan 2025.

Children/Youth Summer Camp Application


Thank you Lord Jesus for His provision, summer camp registration for current JK to Grade 8 is now open!

We are also hiring director, summer ministry interns, camp counselors, and recruiting youth volunteers for 2024.  Accepting applications on Feb 29th.

感謝主耶穌的供應,JK 至 8 年級的兒童營報名現已開放。 JK至5年級的兒童(Bible & STEM)營將於7月15日至26日舉行, 6-8年級的sports camp青少年營將於7月29日至8月2日舉行。

聘請青年團隊: 包括總監, 事工實習青年, 夏令營導師, 中學生義工申請將於2月29日開始接受報名。

Current JK – Gr 5 : Bible & STEM Camp (2 weeks : Jul 16-26)
This is a 1-week camp with repeated content for week 2. Spaces are limited to only 30 campers per week and we offer discounts to earlybird registration, as well as new families to PGC.

Dates: July 15– 19 and/or July 22-26, 2024 (Monday-Friday)
Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm (NO before or after child care)
Note: Campers need to pack their own NUT-FREE lunch and snacks

Current Gr 6-7 : Leader-in-Training Camp (3 weeks : Jul 8-26)
This is a 3-week camp with great opportunity for your child to be trained under our youth team to become future leaders, plus participating in camp to enjoy the fun parts together too!

We are thankful for all interested applicants. Spaces are limited to only 8 campers. Priority will be given to Christian youth who have experience caring and helping children.

Due to the leadership-developmental nature of this position, a selection and interview process for eligible applicants will be conducted. Eligible applicants will be notified as soon as possible.

Dates: July 8–26, 2024 (Monday-Friday)
Time: Week 1 daily 9-4pm, Week 2 & 3 daily 8:30am-4:30pm
(NO before or after child care)
Camp fee: $300 for 3 weeks (Fees will only be collected at the point of successful acceptance. Applicants who are not accepted will also be notified ASAP)

Note: Campers need to pack their own NUT-FREE lunch and snacks

Current Gr 6-8 : Youth Sports, Games & Daily Bible Camp (1 week : Jul 29-Aug 2)
This is a 1-week camp with daily sports, games, worship & bible study. Spaces are limited to only 30 campers and we offer discounts to earlybird registration, as well as new families to PGC.

Dates: July 19 - August 2, 2024 (Monday-Friday)
Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm (NO before or after child care)
Note: Campers need to pack their own NUT-FREE lunch and snacks

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Eph 3:20-21


Below are the highlights of CAMP 2023!

We thank God for all the provision He has amazingly prepared for our summer camp 2023. Many youth have been blessed and built up to lead and love children. We also give thanks to Canada Summer Job program, supported by Markham Unionville MP Mr. Paul Chiang, who made our children camp possible!

PGC Summer Camp vision

To create a cycle of ministry
building up youth as followers of Jesus
to reach, to care, to serve, to train younger children
in a welcoming community experiencing God's love,
powerfully impacting the next generation
every year for the Kingdom of Jesus.