- A Special Membership Meeting will be held on Aug 11 at 10:45-11:15am at BOSS cafeteria. The key motion for the meeting is to approve the appointment of Pastor Iain Davis to be English Pastor as recommended by the Executive Board. Invite all brothers and sisters to attend and Sunday Service will commence after the membership meeting. Agenda for this Special Membership Meeting is available, please pick up at the Usher table. Please pray for this important agenda and seek God’s guidance for PGC.
- Rev Jim Tam, Lisa Cheng and our brother Dylan from Mandarin congregation together with The Left Behind Children Volunteering Team have finished their serving at a Primary School in Sichuan. The team held Summer Camp programs and fun-filled activities with the children, also visited the children’s families in the mountainous area. Many children and families have experienced God's love through the volunteering team. Please pray for The Left-Behind-Children Volunteering team for their safe trip back to Toronto and may God bless their dedication and hard work.