“Marketplace Discipleship – The Kingdom Strikes Back” – IDMC 2022 Conference willbe held on Friday 6/24 8-10pm & Saturday 6/25 3-10pm. Speakers are Rev. Edmund and Pastor Ann Chan. Conference will be online with both live and pre-recorded sessions inEnglish, with Cantonese interpretation. Fee is $60/person and a $10 discount is available for church group […]
PGC will relaunch In-person Worship (English, Jr English and Cantonese) at SilverCity Richmond Hill Cineplex from Apr/3. From Apr/3 onward, Sunday worship will be conducted in hybrid mode. Brothers and sisters, who are unable to come for in-person worship, may still join via normal Zoom links at the above time
Today we witness the suffering of the Ukrainian people, a country close to the hearts of the members of our church. Now is the time to help the people of Ukraine, to not abandon them in their time of need. Therefore let us join together as one church, one body to cry out together to […]
A Parent Worship jointly organized by AFC and TCCPA will be held 8-10pm in Cantonese on Mar/8 (Tue) and in Mandarin on Mar/10 (Thu). Rev Kevin Hon, the speaker from TCMC, will share on “Our Journey: Nurturing and Supporting High School Students to Face the Challenges”. For registration and details: https://www.afccanada.org/tc-parent-workshop
2022 PGC Summer Camp in person camp will be held from July 18 to August 5. Invite you to join as volunteer to serve, and also welcome to join as prayer warriors team to pray for the ministry.
2021 is coming to the end, how’s our offering life at PGC? A friendly reminder cutoff date for 2021 tax receipt is Dec 31st. You could choose 3 different methods to give.