For Children's summer camp information, please click here.

PGC is now hiring a Children's ministry pastoral intern. Please click here for more info.

We thank God for PGCKIDS family devotional challenge 2024 where we celebrated on June for all the great efforts children made to develop this godly habit! We look forward for a new endeavor in early 2025!

  • Develop a loving habit and strong foundation with your child!
  • Collect a Devotional Bear buddy "Faith" at PGCKIDS sign in desk on Sundays and collect a Devotional Chart (also available as a PDF download here)!
  • Let's celebrate on June 23rd Sunday for a pizza party and fun awards!

Recommended bibles and devotional resources: Order links by clicking the pics (download here) inside the PDF!

Welcome to PGCKIDS SUNDAY 9:30-12:30pm

Watch weekly Sunday children worship message here

We understand and support the young parents’ transitional stage! The most challenging family status will be parents having 2 or more children under 2.5 years of age. For these families, we would encourage them to aim at attending worship where their babies can join nursery. At the same time, at least aim to help your older preschool child to at join PGCKIDS from 10am-11:25am. As their (youngest) children reaches 2.5 years, both children and parents can join PGCKIDS fully for church.

Download: Staggered Time Parents families scenarios (PDF)

Sign In & Screening 

For first time visitors, please register by clicking on or scan this QR code:

PGCkids Signin QR Code

For regular PGCKIDS parents, Children can sign in by clicking on or scan the QR code below prior to arrival on Sunday morning (for screening and registration)


Nursery Ministry (0-2.5 years old)   

Our nursery ministry opens for babies from birth to 2.5 years old every Sunday at 2 repeated times in Room 309 to support both English worship parents & Cantonese worship parents.

Basic Nursery Schedule 星期⽇開放時間

English (E) worship Nursery 9:30am-10:45am
Cantonese (C) worship Nursery 11:15am - 12:30pm

(E) 9:20am (C) 11:05am Sign In begins at door of room 309 開始簽到
(E) 9:30am (C) 11:15am Free play with toys玩具和⾃由時間
(E) 10am (C) 11:45am Tidy-up and Prayer 收拾玩具及祈禱
(E) 10:10am (C) 11:55am Snacks & Toys-cleaning Time ⼩⻝時間 (家⻑供應)
(E) 10:25am (C) 12:10pm Songs & Bible Circle Time 唱詩歌及聖經時間
(E) 10:40am (C) 12:25pm Parachute or Bubble and Good-bye Song 遊戲/吹泡泡 及 再⾒歌
(E) 10:45am (C) 12:30pm Sign out and Pickup by parents 家⻑接回孩⼦

Parents!  Join our teams to serve and worship to glorify Jesus and love people! Email Pastor Connie (

PGCKIDS ministry for 2.5 years to Grade 5

A warm welcome to all families to PGCKIDS. PGC envisions a church where adult and kids all grow, learn and serve every Sunday 9:30-12:30pm. To provide nurture for parents and kids, parents please join our Cantonese and English congregation's Sunday school and worship to grow together! Children from grade 6 attend English "Grade 6-8 Bridge intergenerational worship" 9:30am to 11:15am on Sundays, where they are closely connected with the English worship weekly.


PGCKIDS is ONE children's church. We only have one definite time for children worship & bible classes where our team and children worship and learn bible together weekly. Parents please note the rich layout for children's ministry time so you can plan children's church with parents' worship & Sunday school/English fellowship accordingly.


Parents please kindly note kids must bring and wear non marking soles gym shoes every week.


This is mandatory and compulsory for PCA's school gym where we use weekly for children worship. Children who do not wear non marking shoes will need to remove their shoes and only wear socks in the gym. PGCKIDS have spare non-skid socks for new visitors and kids who forgot to bring indoor shoes.


Parent's bring list each Sunday:

  1. Picture bible for preschoolers, and NIV bible for G1-G5
  2. Money for children to learn to give and make offering to God's church to support missionaries around the world
  3. Non-marking indoor gym shoes.
  4. Water bottle and NUT-FREE snacks. Kids will have their snack time at 11:25-11:50pm Sundays in hallway 200 area. (PCA does not allow us food and drink inside the gym).


PGCKIDS Mission, Vision and Passion (MVP)

Welcome back to PGCKIDS, where children are nurtured spiritually under three crossover influences:

Home x Family Cell Groups x Sunday PGC kids learning

We are a church that loves to see families coming together, serving together, smiling together and praying together every Sunday.   When you enter into our church, you will see we have so many loving parents joining us as a strong team of volunteer teachers and helpers.  You will also see children and youth being coached and encouraged to serve together with parents!  We’re very intentional in intergenerational ministry.

Our Vision

Children growing up with an active and growing faith in Christ

Our Slogan

Gospel Story 80/5, Giving Serving Friends in Christ

We firmly believe that faith begins at HOME. Parents are first “pastors” as parents learn to love God fully as taught in Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Church can never replace you as a parent to guide, model and bless your child daily in a growing relationship with Christ. Therefore, we aim to empower parents as they enter into different stages of parenthood through Sunday school classes for new parents, pastoral care and various workshops. We empower parents to share gospel to their children, we empower parents to turn everyday living into stories of trusting God. We also measure our success by how children can have a habitual devotional life at least 5 nights per week at home. Our slogan is aiming 80% of PGCKIDS can have devotions 5 nights per week with their parents. Families are also connected into and nurtured through many Inter-Generational Family CELL-GROUPs (IGC) that meet regularly together to bless one another. We support each other and grow with each other as extended families in Christ. On Sundays, PGCKIDS come together for a special purpose to worship, learn the Bible and becoming good friends in Christ. You can visit for weekly tips how to reinforce what the child learns at PGCKIDS or download the app “Parent Cue”.