- PGC will install alcohol hand sanitizers at all meeting places. Please make good use of the disinfection to maintain public hygiene, and wash your hands frequently. Wear a mask if necessary to reduce the chance of infection. See for details: Toronto Public Health’s Advice on Precautions against Coronavirus.
- If you just returned from mainland China or other highly affected countries/regions, or just returned from a cruise trip, or live with someone who returned from these countries/regions, or suspect you had close contact with any such people, please refrain from attending any church activities for at least 14 days, stay home and seek medical help as necessary. (Please check the affected areas from Travel Health Notices of Canada)
- If brothers and sisters feel unwell, please stay home to rest. If you experience flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, please immediately contact your family doctor, any public health agencies or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000
- Please use other different greeting gestures in place of shaking hands.
- Apart from PGCKids Staff serving in the Children Ministry, brothers and sisters should avoid touching children, especially newborn babies.
- On Holy Communion Day, ushers will wear gloves to serve HC. Brothers and sisters will be invited to come forward to collect bread and cup from the Usher team.
- For those who cannot attend Sunday service, you can see this website to replay the video for the English sermon.

Coronavirus SPECIAL NOTICE (Updated on March 13, 2020)
Since the new coronavirus spreads so quickly and has been proven to be transmitted from person to person, we need to pay extra attention to health and safety. Please exercise extreme caution and security measures as recommended by the Ontario Ministry of Health. Brothers and sisters should pay attention to personal hygiene and well-being of the community. PGC will take the following precaution procedures during this emerging situation: